Sunday, July 31, 2016

This Is My Plus Sized Girl Rant

This is perhaps another rant, another confession, another lash out or simply another point of view.
I am not thin, never was and perhaps never will be. Do I care? Yes. Do I want to care? No. It’s unfair that I have to hear people pass comments, sometimes sneakily, sometimes openly, in jest, in all seriousness and even in pity! I am not unhealthy, I am not overweight and neither do I present myself in unflattering ways. I am fine as I am.
And yet, every time someone passes a remark, I go red in the face, I smile and press my lips together so I don’t give an excuse, counter argue or snap. Imagine meeting someone after a considerable interval and the first thing they say is “Oh! You’ve put on weight, no?” Really? No, how are you? Oh, I missed you. We come straight to the point about my diet, my exercise routines, my office routine and everything else that doesn’t concern them or my weight (even the position in which I sleep).
I am not thin, never was and perhaps never will be. Do I care? Yes. Do I want to care? No.
We are a society that is obsessed with everything — race, caste, color, weight, financial status, social media presence, non-presence on social media, intelligence, sarcasm ratings and everything else which can minutely describe a person. This is not to say that everyone is obsessed with all of the above but it is true that everyone is particular about one or more of the above. We do find pleasure in the weight gain of an ex partner, a not so good friend and even an actress we don’t like much. Honestly, I have a problem not with the attribute that comes with my description but the emotion behind the attribute.
plus size is bad, dark is ugly, thin is sick. Well... shut up. Stop telling people what you think will work best for them. Stop making fun of the amount of space they take up when they sit and please, oh please stop counting their calories for them. I am in perfect physical health and if I have a bad back, it is not because my bums are too big or my thighs can’t take the weight of my body (confirmed with the doctor). So no don’t tell me to cut down on rice and potatoes and bread and everything else that I enjoy eating.

Don’t call me “moti,” “golu,” “chubs” and don’t innocently ask me if I miss my old self. My old self was similar, a little thinner perhaps. But not thin enough to be counted amidst the ‘normal’ so perhaps I miss my old self but not for reasons you believe I should. Also, I love my new self. Don’t pass comments about my weight and don’t slyly smile if there is an ongoing discussion on clothes, shopping and sizes.
When and if I need you to order more for me, I’ll let you know. No, I don’t like chocolates or anything sweet so please don’t be surprised every time you offer me dessert and I refuse (“What? You look like someone who would enjoy indulging.
I don’t want to wake up in the morning and declare to my innocent husband that “I want to be thin.” I don’t want him to comfort me or pacify me just because someone in office smirked at my “weight problems.” I don’t want to spend hours trying dresses, feeling horrible if I don’t fit into a 4 year old t-shirt. It’s okay, I know it’s okay.
I don’t need advice about diets, gyms or calorie counting techniques. I am healthy, I am as lazy as the next person, and I have a normal appetite. There is a huge difference between being plus sized and unhealthy, and it’s my heartfelt request to please understand it — and if you can’t, be quiet.
Also, if this is in the spirit of helping someone who is “unfit,” deep down you know the difference. So let’s not put that as an excuse.
We don’t think before commenting. And more often than not, out of politeness, no one responds to our caustic remarks. The person in question may spend hours contemplating about her weight and her skin tone, her hair and everything else that you thought was wrong.

plus sized is bad, dark is ugly, thin is sick. Well... shut up. Stop telling people what you think will work best for them.
The number of times that we truly compliment someone is embarrassingly lower than the times we notice faults. And all this drama about, “Oh, he’s such a good person, just his weight is a problem.” Really?
You want to go by the “a spade is a spade” policy, great. Only don’t put a collective and accepted norm on the poor spade. plus sized is plus sized, but plus sized is not ugly, funny or unacceptable. For everyone out there, don’t let a little one feel unsure or awkward because she has a few extra pounds. Don’t be embarrassed of your girlfriend because she weighs a few pounds more than your friend’s girlfriend, don’t torment a guy who is plump, don’t make fun of your mom because she takes time to get up owing to her weight, don’t be uncomfortable going out shopping with your plus sized friend, and don’t share knowing looks with the help staff when she’s trying clothes.
Stop everything you are doing that you consider normal and rethink your words because it matters. I used to refrain from calling people plus sized because of the numerous connotation and emotions attached to the adjective. As time passed, I realized most things come packed with a set of prejudices and in our fight to get rid of them, we end up twisting a very simple adjective. So plus sized is plus sized just like thin is thin and the pencil next to me is red.
So yes, I am a plus sized girl, healthy, plump and everything else you want to call me. I will use the word “plus sized” without feeling sorry for myself and without cringing. Just as I have short hair, beautiful eyes, pointy nose, I have big bums. And I love them.
About the plus sized girls dating sites:

Saturday, July 30, 2016

10 Things You Should Do When BBW Online Dating

1. Dont Post photos of a face you do not have. It's totally natural to want to use your best angle or make yourself look as bangin' as possible, but contorting your musculature in a way that makes you look half human, half sexy-drawing-done-by-a-13-year-old-in-study hall is not doing you or him any favors.

2.  Dont Post an age you are almost definitely not. I get why you want to lie about your age a little bit, especially when women are told this holds so much of our value, but think of it this way: if you're in your 30s and say you're in your 20s, you might attract a dude who only dates women who are way younger than he is, and you'll end up wasting your own time.

3.  Dont Judge a book by its cover. Obviously, everyone does this. But I've seen a lot of my guy friends' dating profiles and on paper, I would not date them. Granted, I wouldn't date most of them IRL either (except you, John, HMU!), but I also know that beneath their dorky photos and awkwardly phrased jokes lie some really good dudes. Sometimes it's just not that obvious in someone's list of six things they couldn't live without.
4.  Dont Tell him something super personal super soon. Since you're a human, sometimes when you're chatting with a guy online, you're also having a super-hard day. It makes sense to want to reach out to someone, but close out the dating app and open up a text with your best friend. You don't even know this guy's real name yet, so save the work drama for an IRL meeting at the very least.
5.  Dont Talk about your relationship history. This is along the same lines as telling them something too personal too soon. Everyone's had their heart broken. But it's way less weird to ask him something random like, "Do you have any body scars?" than it is to tell him about your emotional ones before you've even set up a date.
6.  Dont Talk about how online dating is so weird. Literally everyone has dated online. A thing everyone has done cannot be weird. Please shut up about this.
7.  Dont Tell yourself this is stupid and there are no good guys out there. Even if you're right (and depending on where you live, you might be!), if you think that way, you'll never see them. If you're going to online date, keep an open mind. You're on there and you're great, so maybe someone else who is also great is on there!

8.  Dont Compare these guys to your exes. Look, even if you were ripped apart by bad timing or multiple oceans, your relationships all ended for a reason: because it wasn't right. So now you're looking for new guys with whom you could maybe have better timing and who probably do not require ocean travel to get to.
9.  Dont Worry about how it could all go horribly wrong. It could. It totally could. I hear you. But it could also be great. And if it is, in fact, horrible, everyone loves a horrible dating story. You literally cannot lose.
10. Choose a safe BBW Dating site. This is the last but the most important step. If you choose the good and safe BBW dating site, you can have a better online dating experience. Try BBWcouple. BBW couple provides the simple and cosy environment. You can Share your happiness and sorrow with the BBW/BHM which you like. In this site, you will feel yourself at home. Make your life colorful now. More information:
Also you can search the site:
It is a easy way for people seeking a plus sized woman. The rankings and ratings expressed on this site are the opinion of and are subject to change based on the criteria below. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

BBW Dating Tips For Shy Guys - Fear of Approaching Big Beautiful Women

If you are shy and having a hard time with dating there are several dating tips for shy guys that can help you come out of your shell and date, while having a great time.
If you are shy and having a hard time with dating there are several dating tips for shy guys that can help you come out of your shell and date, while having a great time.
Being shy does not always have to be a bad thing. This can mean you do not have to have the spotlight or be the center of attention to feel comfortable. Shyness can actually be a good trait and one you can use to your advantage.

If you are shy, you should capitalize on it. When a female is talking to you, listen to her and make sure you understand what she is saying. You do not want to be too quiet however.

Make sure that the conversation is going both ways and there is not too much awkward silence. Just try and be involved in the conversation at the appropriate times and in the correct way.

If you have a hard time talking to women, you can keep yourself informed on the latest current events. This is a great way to strike up a conversation and seem interesting.

You should never talk about things you do not know about unless you inform your date of this and maybe she can teach you something. No one can be up to date on everything anyway.

Another one of the great BBW dating tips for shy guys is to not force you to be outgoing. If this does not come naturally to you, it will seem that way to everyone else. There is nothing wrong with pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone a little bit, but if you are trying to be someone you are not, a woman can see right through this.

The great BBW dating site for BBW and their admirers , a leading BBW dating websites for big beautiful women, announced today that Large Friends has earned five stars and the top spot on its list of the best BBW couple.
BBW couple evaluates each BBW couple site based on membership pricing, number of members, features and more. The review site caters to big beautiful women who are looking for both friends and potential long-term partners who will love them despite their size.

While all of the sites reviewed by Free BBW couple Sites offer free basic memberships, many also offer premium memberships for individuals interested in a more enhanced user experience. The premium features are also evaluated in the reviews provided by Free BBW couple Sites to help individuals determine which BBW couple site is most likely to help them find their potential soul mate.
In addition to helpful dating site reviews, free BBW couple Sites also features a blog. Recent posts include “First Date Tips for BBW Singles” and “10 Secrets to Making the Most Out of Your BBW couple Site.”
For more information about Free BBW couple Sites, visit

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

How to Come to Terms with Your Attraction to BBW

Of course, the idea also has its flaws: Does an website like BBW couple put  emphasis on weight, rather than looking past someone's size to get to know him or her as a person? Does it fetishize big women, or attract people who are simply looking to fulfill a fantasy with someone BBW?  And how do you decide who is "fat enough" to be on an website like this?
I had my hesitations, but fuck it, right? I decided to just try it out. As the age-old saying goes, never judge a dating website by it's user interface.

After downloading BBW couple, I started crafting my profile. There's a section to select your interests, but you can only check off five pre-selected options. Unable to personalize My profile read like every BBW couple profile I hate, but there was nothing I could do about it.
I finished up my profile with a few photos—one of the few fully-body shots I have, and a selfie I took while in the bathroom of a Buffalo Wild Wings—and got to swiping.
BBW couple is currently for BHM(big handsome men) and BBW, which was in the process of changing. For now, though, I had a small crop of men to choose from (around ten or so), then had to wait five minutes before I could "play again." When the five minutes were up, they can get an equally small batch of BBW singles

Looking for Love on large couple, an web for Plus-Sized Dating

BBW Online dating as a plus sized woman can be brutal. I've been called a "fatty” by men, or told that men would only have sex with me as a favor, because men could never be attracted to someone my size.Plus-Sized people are not insecure about their website, but when someone first got into online dating, she found herself obsessing over her weight in an entirely different way. they worried their pictures made them look thinner than they actually are, and men would call them out for "lying" about plus size womans size. 

On sites like large couple, where you have to fill out a series of questions relating to sex, dating, and personality, plus size women preemptively check how a guy answered questions like "would you date someone who is overweight?" before messaging him.
they eventually got over this, and I realized I'd created problems for themselves that didn't need to exist. But they are intrigued when they heard about large couple, a BBW dating website( for plus-sized men and women to date freely, without the fear of being fat-shamed. 

Monday, July 25, 2016

Yep I’m fat! You heard me right! I said it. I. A.M. F.A.T.! What you gonna do about it?

We live in a world where fat is bad word. It’s used as an insult. We say it when we’re judging someone else. We say it when we’re judging ourselves. An opinion about what being fat really means. For me, since this is my article, fat is simply a descriptor of a person. I’ve been fat pretty much my whole life. I was fat. But I played softball. I walked home from school. I rode my bike all over the neighborhood with my friends. I was fat. I knew it. But it didn’t stop me from being awesome!
Why? Because I didn’t care that I was fat! I was just me! I chase toddlers, walk miles and miles, and execute events that require hours of standing, walking, and lifting. I am strong. I am capable. I am beautiful and I am big! Every single one of them hated how fat they were. Why can’t you just love yourself the way you are? Why are we always attempting to change bbw website? Who are we trying to please?

I can buy clothes that make me look beautiful. I can look at myself and feel good in what I choose to wear. I can present myself as someone who is confident, strong, and worthwhile. That’s on me.  Because I have given you the descriptors to use for me by who I told you I am.
If you go into any social situation being apologetic that the word fat is your descriptor, then they are going to describe you in this way! Because that is what society tells them to do. That is what you are telling them to believe of you! What you believe about yourself is who people will believe you are! I choose to surround myself with people who love bbw couple. I choose to project my beauty and strength. I choose to feel beautiful even if I don’t look the same as societies view of beauty. That’s on me! I Choose Large couple! And that’s should be enough!
For more information about large couple:

Sunday, July 24, 2016

What is Big Beautiful Dating?

BBW=Big beautiful women 

"The term is a subjective, visually determined concept that does not have an explicit lower or upper weight limitation, and may denote women who may be considered barely overweight to those who are morbidly obese. A 2009 study found that male fat admirers preferred females that were clinically overweight and rated plus size singles more positively than slighter individuals. The study also found that participants reacted more positively to a much wider range of figures than a control group, even rating emaciated figures higher. It concludes "these findings suggest that an explanation for fat admiration may be that FAs are rejecting social cultural norms of attractiveness".

The term has several near-synonyms with varying shades of meaning: 
Full-figured - the latter term referring to the art of Peter Paul Rubens, best known for portraying full-bodied women. 
Voluptuous usually connotes ripeness, sensuality, and a body shape involving large breasts and wide hips, although in such women the waist-hip ratio is generally smaller indicating only slightly overweight or normal weight status". 

So Big Beautiful Dating means, Dating with big beautiful women, or dating plus size singles. 

If you'd like to meet some big beautiful women in your area,you may join BBW couple . It is a dating site just plus size women and men,you can start your big beautiful dating there.

A dating website for BBW people!

In a first of its kind, a big beautiful dating website for those larger than life has come up -- but it's a strict no-no for slim people. The site for large folk invited people with natural curves to join up to share some big love. Some one said it was designed to offer the estimated 1.6 billion overweight men and women a much-needed service. Most dating sites seem to show people who are skinny models but there is a huge proportion of the population that is fabulously flabby. 

There are precious few resources for them to find love with other overweight people. A new member, from London said: "The site has been a real helping hand for me, I've finally been given the chance to embrace my curves and get back on the dating ladder." With big beautiful dating, people invest themselves with emotion and fantasy of who the other person is. But people should be honest, whether it’s about size, height or how much hair they have. By sharing who you really are, you are increasing your odds of finding someone who will genuinely have an attraction to you.
For more information, check the BBW couple

Friday, July 22, 2016

Be Overweight And Healthy

Yes, you can be overweight and healthy, according to the National Institutes of Health’s 1998 report, Clinical Guidelines on the Identification, Evaluation and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults.
People who are overweight can be considered healthy if their waist size is less than 35 inches for women or 40 inches for men.

The benefits of exercise go far beyond burning calories. Being physically active helps prevent heart disease, type 2 diabetes, depression, some forms of cancer, and osteoporosis. It can also improve your mood, enhance self-esteem, reduce anxiety, and help manage stress. And improving your fitness level usually results in increased muscle mass, which means your body burns more calories all the time.
As we all know, health is not only about physical health, but also about mental health. Keep your mind free, be confident, make friends, if you don’t like go out. you can stay at home according to your PC find some friends and online dating, some dating sites are mainly deigned for BBW/BHM. such as BBW couple( large group, Large friends, BBW meet and so on.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Many Big Handsome Men Who Feel Repressed As They Would Love To Go Out With a plus sized Woman

Quite unusually, as noticed in few recent years, many people in UK always had a preference for bigger girls. They just could not help their self’s dating big girls and having a wonderful time with them.
It appears that many more men prefer women with curves and curvaceousness is the key with BBW stands for Big Beautiful Women otherwise known as plus size women or full figured women. The characteristics of a Big Beautiful Woman are: fitting a dress size 16 or over and have more curves than a bendy mountain road and looking like a real woman.

From an anthropological viewpoint, men are genetically programmed to find partners that give them the best chance to have healthy offspring. Ample bosoms and wide hips are prime constituents to ensure sufficient food and easy childbirth and therefore tick all genetic boxes. I wonder what happened to the genetic blueprint of guys who like flat-chested skinny women, I’d better not guess. It is a sad fact that because of prejudice against big women, many men ended up with the “ideal” slim shaped partner but they had to suppress a life-long preference for a full figured woman. That is both sad and a real shame!!  

Dating BBW has gone from strength to strength. People have copied our website and our ideas, which, in essence, is a compliment and a sign that we got it right. Through  BBW Dating, tens of thousands of BBW have dated male (or sometimes female) partners. Life-long friendships were forged. We have received wedding invitations and as a result of our website, there are now a number of children whose parents initially met on BBW couple – talk about job satisfaction!

We also created a sister website called and recently re-launched it. is aimed solely at BBW and their admirers throughout the USA. Our strengths are efficiency, speed of communication and the fact that our system filters out unsuitable users. So our members do not have to worry about African or Russian scammers who are quite ubiquitous and active on many dating websites trying to scam money out of unsuspecting men and women. There is also no abuse and there are no hate mail messages such as we have seen not too long ago when a group of BBW set up Facebook pages, nor do we find any women on BBW Dating who are not genuine BBW.

Every day, new people find us via the search engines and many join UK BBW Dating, as did tens of thousands of others before them in the nearly 10 years of our existence. I am sure, if you are a single BBW or a lover of plus size women, you will find some potential partners in your area and you could be out on a date tonight with a woman whose curves will set you alight or a man who can’t keep his eyes of your full figure. Please visit us at:

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Give Big Girls a Chance!

Typically, the majority of men in our society prefer to have physically attractive and fit women as their dating partners and eventual life partners.  Bbw dating is a concept that rarely comes to mind when embarking on the dating world whether when meeting a woman by chance, through friends, or through an online dating service.

A popular belief is that if you have a plus sized girlfriend, you will never have to worry about her cheating on you. She is such great company who will never let you down and will be there for you with all of her support, even when you experience bad situations in life. She will focus on making you feel comfortable in her company, despite her own struggle with weight-related insecurities.
She is a strong woman, but she also needs to feel secure in herself and in her relationship. So whenever you may come across a plus sized girl, try to see “her” and not what she “looks like”. Who knows? She might just turn out to be your dream woman!
A great place to meet such wonderful big women is an online bbw dating service This bbw dating service is geared towards bringing overweight men and women together. Thus, eliminating all of the anxieties and frustrations associated with meeting new people for the first time. These potential mates already know what to expect and, therefore, can embark on dating with a positive, comfortable, and confident attitude. The focus is automatically on getting to know the other person rather than being uncomfortable or judgmental about their weight.

 Many of us find it uncomfortable to be around fat people, but bbw dating has another aspect which not many of us may be aware of. If you are in a relationship with a big woman, she will not only offer you a lot of fun, but will also choose to stand out against all odds and prove the whole world wrong about their preconceived, weight-related notions. Her confident attitude may change the way you look at things in life. She might have such a positive influence on everyone around her in a way that will make everyone want to be in her company.
Meeting and dating a plus size woman through a venue like Large and Lovely has its own advantages which nobody can ignore. They are special girls who, often times, show their love through working hard to feed you special foods. A bbw woman prepares food from her heart and serves you with love to help you enjoy life to the fullest. She doesn’t put any restrictions on you to deprive you from having fun. BBW dating is considered special as it will offer you aspects that most people are missing out on. You will most probably live a king-size life! You will feel at the top of the world as you can have what you want, when you want. Thus, fat dating fun. Isn’t it?
Although not easy for an obese woman, she can shed a few pounds of weight to change the way she looks if she’s not comfortable with being obese. But that’s what makes her different. She can turn her obesity into an asset. So if you’re a big woman, learn to live with it and convert this weak point to a strong point in your life. Once you accept who you are and start believing in yourself, life will turn out to be like never before. So don’t get frustrated, or hold others responsible for your weight, and try to love yourself first.